Saturday, October 13, 2012


- I am in complete denial that exams are soon. Help me help myself outline. And bring snacks.

- I think I'm pretty levelheaded - but then I think about the insane crush I have on a guy who lives in my building. I've seen him 3 times. I don't know his name. Every time I go in the parking lot I look for his car. OMG please please help me I am insane.

- But I stil harbor hope of actually learning his name someday ...

- I don't understand Gangham Style. What? Does anyone get it?

- Why is it still super hot here in New Orleans? I am not pleased. I want boots weather. Also I bought two new sweaters today. Like they will ever be worn ...

- Anyone want to join my post-collegiate a cappella group? I'm still the only member in it, so I get all the solos. But I have to simultaneously sing back-up sooooo

- I got a call from one Jeff Rogers today. Firstly, it was an automated call but gah scary because it didn't sound like that! Googled him and he's a televangelist preacher in Pennsylvania. Seriously. I cannot make this stuff up.

- What I also can't make up - the study I read about linking female index/ring finger ratios and promiscuity. The higher the ratio, the less you can't handle casual sex. I believe it!

- If you are one of the Jones' and you are evading your debt - OMG why did you give the debt people my number?? If I had a dollar for every time they call looking for you...

Peace out, cub scouts. Crazy Saturday night over here, clearly