They have both been immortalized onto cakes baked by myself and my two dear friends, Shelby and Hannah.

Photo Credit: Shelby Siegel
The original cake, a white cake with white icing.
"He King Long!" Shelby said.

The most recent cake. Texas sheet cake with white icing. As you can see, this was a cake for our friend Margie's birthday (woo 21!). We gave her the choice between the enthusiastic spokesman and Michael Jackson. I think it was the right decision.
The three of us, we make a great team. Shelby, she has a lot of experience baking. Hannah, she is one fabulous cake decorator. And me. Well I just putter around in the background a lot, but it seems to work out OK.
Why dead celebrities? Well what better way to immortalize the famous people we care about than on a baked good that we will later munch on!
So who should the next cake be of? Maybe a political cake, for Ted Kennedy? It's been a little over a year since Bernie Mac's death, maybe he should be next! Heck, we should just make a batch of cupcakes with little portraits of all our favorites!
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