Friday, September 4, 2009

4. Dead Celebrity Cakes

What do Elvis and Billy Mays have in common? Besides the fact they're both dead?

They have both been immortalized onto cakes baked by myself and my two dear friends, Shelby and Hannah.

Photo Credit: Shelby Siegel

The original cake, a white cake with white icing.

"He King Long!" Shelby said.

The most recent cake. Texas sheet cake with white icing. As you can see, this was a cake for our friend Margie's birthday (woo 21!). We gave her the choice between the enthusiastic spokesman and Michael Jackson. I think it was the right decision.

The three of us, we make a great team. Shelby, she has a lot of experience baking. Hannah, she is one fabulous cake decorator. And me. Well I just putter around in the background a lot, but it seems to work out OK.

Why dead celebrities? Well what better way to immortalize the famous people we care about than on a baked good that we will later munch on!

So who should the next cake be of? Maybe a political cake, for Ted Kennedy? It's been a little over a year since Bernie Mac's death, maybe he should be next! Heck, we should just make a batch of cupcakes with little portraits of all our favorites!

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