Monday, October 19, 2009

25. Vegetables

Long time, no blog! Well I thought now (2:30 a.m. my time), would make the perfect time to blog. Since I can't sleep.

This is a lame favorite thing, I know. Who likes vegetables??

(Who wants to kiss Matt Damon?) Right here! Is the girl who likes her vegetables.

Ok, so I love carrots. Everyone knows that. I ate carrots practically everyday with my lunch since Kindergarten (thanks Mom!) and I truly believe I have the eyesight to prove it.

Photo Credit:

I also love a whole rainbow of veggies: LOVE tomatoes (especially with mozzarella and pesto aka my favorite DHall panini which I sorely miss). And ya can't beat sugar snap beans and sno peas. And sweet potatoes are soooo tasty, too bad I have to toss mine because things were growing out of them!

But really. I don't look a gift vegetable in the mouth. It's nature's candy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"who wants to kiss matt damon?" really made this entry stand out. Good work.