I will ALWAYS love those kids. Always. Just puttin' it out there. Ya know, and maybe I'll always love Kate from four years ago. But she and Jon have changed. THEY HAVE CHANGED. Sure, maybe I was expecting the divorce, but it still really, really saddened me.
The fam in Hawaii, when the 'rents renewed their vows. Hahaha.
Those kids were adorbs (I say was because sadly time has not looked too kindly on them. At least not on them equally.) Can you believe it, the babies just turned six!? Which puts the twins at 12, which is truly insane.
And they made me happy! Gah, so many cute moments. Exhibit A: Lil' Alexis at the reptile place: "Him's a lookin' at me!" Oh how I loved Lex.
And Aaden! Aaden! "Aaden. Is my buddy."
So basically, I feel really bad for them now. I thought once the show was over, Kate might spend a bit more time with them at home, but apparently she's too busy tanning and doing DWTS and what not. Seriously, Kate? Seriously? That's why I put her and Jon in parentheses. They should be parents first, quasi-celebrities second.
So let's just freeze those little ones forever in time at the age of four, alright?
Aww, how presh!
*Although this is very true, in reality I was just too lazy to post any blog entries. But whatever.
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