Seriously, give me a stack of yearbooks - any high school's, any year, it doesn't matter, and I can occupy myself for hours. I think yearbooks ar endlessly fascinating. I love looking at the pictures, even if it is of kids that I don't even know - but by the end it certainly feels as if I know them!
When I was younger, I loved to look through my dad's high school yearbook. Hilarious! I love seeing all hairstyles and clothes from way back when (by way back when I mean circa the Civil War (haha, I'm so funny, I know)).
And when my mom got her Facebook account and started reconnecting with people from her own high school, we dragged out the ol' Garden Spot High yearbook to look at everyone. My mom - she looks lovely. Her Amish classmates ... well that's not how I would dress but whatever floats your boat, ya know?
What I did not like about yearbooks? When we actually got them in school. Call me crazy, which I am, but the stress of having to run around and get everyone to sign yours and sign everyone else's. Oy I get stressed out over the smallest things.

I grabbed this baby from ... when I think of old yearbooks I always think of those internet ads with a dorky girl and a football player-type that says They got married??
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