But today I got the J.Crew catalogue* in the mail! My mom said I scared her when I shrieked. Yes, I shrieked because I love love J.Crew and wish my life could be the catalogue (is that weird?) but I don't know if I would have gotten the same excitement from looking at their clothes on the website. Part of the excitement was getting it in the mail!

Oh jeez the number of times I would rush to the post office on campus and peer into my little window. Man, was I usually disappointed! But when I got something that was not an ad for something on campus -- which would just go straight into the trash -- that could really make a day!
I now realize that my 87th favorite thing is actually getting good mail. Because let's face it, a reminder for class registration, when you already got 5 e-mails about it, is nothing to write home about. **
*Example of how rare mail is -- the computer thinks catalogue is misspelled! Oy, technology!
**Sorry, I couldn't help it.
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