Whenever I feel sad, I try my best to just remember that moods come and go and that it's unreasonable to be super happy all the time. And I normally am happy-ish. Not over the moon, but glass-half-full generally content with things.
But Saturday night I was really sad. For a multitude of reasons. As I got ready for bed, I gave myself a little bit of pep talk. And reminded myself of several reasons why I should not be sad and why life is awesome. At this point, it was after midnight, so I decided to check my horoscope for the day. And when I read it I started to tear up because this is what it said:
Maybe it's silly for me to believe in an iPhone horoscope app but sometimes you just need an affirmation of everything you've been thinking of and hoping for. So I went to bed happy and slept in later than I have in weeks.
So anyway, here is a list of generally awesome things about life right now:
No studying until January. 'Nuff said.
Thumb holes. Seriously. Howwww did we get along with work-out tops without these things? I don't even know.
Catching up on TV. Stevie the TV - the one true love. Although I watched these shows on my computer but whatever. I've already caught up on Glee (!!) and watched a couple of episodes of Pretty Little Liars. OMG - so good. Although I was then slightly terrified of being by myself in my apartment but so so worth it.
This necklace. I saw it online and immediately knew I needed it. Jewelry makes me happy and this necklace is pure love. Can't wait to wear it!
And lastly, in the wake of last Friday's tragedy - I have a lot of thoughts, but all I want to say is that I am so so thankful for the presence of my family and friends. Life's short, and just more of a reason to appreciate all the awesome things (and people) every day.
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