Tuesday, January 29, 2013

The League

So I feel like I'm always telling people, "Oh, I just don't watch that much TV." Which, I guess when it gets into crazy-studying-for-finals time is very true. Believe me, I procrastinate plenty - but where most people are vegging out in front of the TV, I'm losing myself in blogs. Which is very very easy for me to do.

But I don't know who I'm kidding - because the rest of the year I watch so much TV. It's actually a little embarrassing. Although I'm not sure exactly what I'm watching ... For the longest time I really didn't have any shows I watched in real time(well I did have Glee), ones I got excited for every week. It was just a lot of Bravo, and various re-runs (Friends, Seinfeld, HIMYM). But now, in addition to Glee, I'm loving Girls and Pretty Little Liars. *

But then came Netflix. And omg the TV never ends!! It used to be if there was nothing on the actual TV, I'd think, oh guess I should read a book or a magazine. Or do something where I'm not plastered to the couch. But now there is ALWAYS something to watch. And it's a little scary and maybe if we didn't always have access to TV shows America would be outside enjoying life but oh well because TV is awesome.

This was all just a long tangent of getting to what I wanted to say - I am obsessed with The League. It comes on FX, but I've only ever watched it on Netflix. It's hilarious. It's about a fantasy football league, made up of middle aged men. Let it be known that I really have no interest in football. I guess I see why people like fantasy football, but again, not for moi. But I really really like this show. You don't have to care about football. Or understand it, for that matter. Give it a shot!

Anddddd I am super excited because on Thursday the cast (most of them, at least) will be in town doing a stand-up show!

Who am I? Loving a show about fantasy football. I don't know but if it's wrong I don't want to be right.
*Anddddd I have the girliest taste in TV shows. Ever. I'm OK with that though, they all are awesome! I like what I want.

1 comment:

Kat Tanita (With Love From Kat) said...

Netflix is soo addicting!!

Hope you'll enter my L'Occitane giveaway: http://withlovefromkat.com/fall-beauty-must-haves-with-loccitane-divine-body-oil-cream-collection/

xo Kat