Wednesday, June 30, 2010

60. Flexitarianism

This past semester at college, I realized that I'd been subconciously eating meat at only one meal (lunch or dinner), and going meat-free at the other. Without even meaning to, I'd started following a flexitarian diet.

From the American Dialect Society (via Wikipedia): a vegetarian who occasionally eats meat.

OK, so maybe by this definition I more than "occasionally" eat meat, but I still really like the idea of trying to replace meat with other sources of protein. It's kind of fun, being more creative with meals. For instance, I LOVE hummus (maybe it'll make an appearance on the blog!) and I like to pair it with lots of veggies and feta cheese on wraps or sandwiches.

Also, eating less meat reduces one's carbon footprint, besides just being (obviously) kinder to animals.

And since I have pretty much zero experience in cooking meat, I have a feeling I'll be going flexitarian a lot more often next semester when I'm forced to fend for myself...

Monday, June 28, 2010

59. Looking at the Invisible Camera

OK, that title probably makes very little sense. What is looking at the invisible camera, might you ask? Simple. It's when you turn your head a little to the side, and make a face, usually of frustration or anguish, as if you were on a TV show and had a cameraman at your side. Made popular by The Office. You know what I'm talking about.

In my own life, this seems to occur most often during things like chapter meetings, when I glance to my right (at absolutely no one) and make a look like, "can you believe what I am hearing?" Or maybe you make a funny, and you look at the invisible camera, to give it a wink or something because you're so impressed with your own wit.

Once, a professor caught me making a face at the invisible camera. Not my finest moment, guys. So just be careful. I'm sure I'd have more friends if I stopped doing this, but that's OK! It's kind of like when Jerry Seinfeld has to choose between "the voice" and his girlfriend. Who wants to put into that position? And then a giant ball of oil falls on her, so there ya go.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

58. Gchat

I confess. Yahoo! is my browser homepage. But I've got to give props to Google. They created Gmail! And Gchat! Which just so happens to be one of my favorite things.

A. I'm all about keeping in touch with my friends. Why is this better than AIM? Because -

B. It's a part of the e-mail inbox! No longer do I need a million windows open (although that's also thanks to tabbed browsing but hey this is about Gchat now).

C. Ok, I guess this is a perk of Gmail, but the fun backgrounds! I have Ice Cream. Wish I could show it - but it is ca-ute. Except the ice cream cones with the faces on them kind of scare me but whatever. But anyway, so whilst chatting with my besties, I get to gaze at cute pastel colors! Awesome!

So I'm on gchat basically 22/7. It's bad. Chat me sometime!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

57. Magazines

Too bad the print journalism industry seems to be going down the drain, because magazines are one of my favorite things.

They always have been, since I was younger and I had a subscription to American Girl Magazine (which, thank goodness, still exists!). Then came Girl's Life, Seventeen and TeenVogue (which I actually just ended my subscription to ... not a teenager anymore!).

Some magazines I love now are Allure and Vogue, as well as Glamour, Self and InStyle, although don't actually have subscriptions to those last three, I just love to look at them in waiting rooms. Although, if I really want to save the industry, maybe I should pony up and just have them delivered to my house! The only caveat? Magazines. EVERYWHERE. I have a pile in my room, which is puny compared to the huge one that used to be there. Oh, man, I have a problem. But c'mon, they're so much fun!

I really don't discriminate, I'll flip through almost anything! Sure, so many of these same things are available on their Web sites, but it's not the same! Save the Magazines!

Afterthought: oh my god, I just remembered Nickeleodeon Magazine. Best. Ever. I wish I had more time to read more magazines. Sigh.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

56. Cuddling/Wuggling

I defy you to say that you don't like cuddling. Or wuggling.

What is wuggling? An embarassing long story, but pretty much snuggling without touching, if you will. It's fun!

I am currently cuddling with a furry blanket. Lame, I know. Where is my cat??

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

55. Finding Grammar Mistakes

How satisfying is it to be reading the newspaper, a blog, a friend's essay, anything really ... and to find a grammar mistake?!?

It must be how a detective finds, hot on the case. Or how the guy who discovered problems in people's genetic codings or something. YOU were special enough to realize that they used "their" instead of "they're." You smart cookie, you!

Maybe it's just because I copyedit for my school's newspaper that this excites me ... but let's face it, I'm a nerd and I think I've always been that way. Copyeditors: isn't it so exciting when you find a grammar mistake after the page has already been read 3 times? Ah, it's the best. You feel like you just won the Grammy of copyediting or something!

Ah, grammar mistakes. Those little annoying pieces of written gold.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

54. Summer

Every season has its pros (and cons). I love the cozy feeling of being inside on a wintery day (plus I have a January bday!) but, let's face it, Virginia winters have not been very kind to me and the delicate skin on my hands. And fall fashion is fun, as well is buying new notebooks, but then I realize that I'm sick of my new classes. And finally spring! The days are finally getting warmer (although not fast enough in Richmond) and I can break out the shorts and flip-flops, but times just drags so slowly toward ...


Yes, it is unbearably hot here during the summer (but it beats the unbearably cold!). But summer will always be freedom from school and classes. The time to read a book all day if I want to. New bathing suits (but I go to the pool like once a summer so it's kind of pointless.

So, when I'm done with school, will summer still be the same? I hope so! And I think it will be. Summer just has that je ne sais quoi. So go out and do something summery!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

53. Dressing up for Class

I am definitely guilty of just rolling out of bed and wearing anything ol' thing to class (Hobo Thursdays!) but I am such a fan of dressing up for class, as gross as that may sound.

I like every day of the week for different reasons. Why I like Tuesday is that it's dress to pin! When I'm all dressed up I feel like I almost concentrate and focus better. And it's fun!

In a related vein, this is one of the reasons I was hoping to have an office job this summer, so I can rock the cute clothse all the time!

However, I feel like if I ever have a legit office job, and have to wear a suit or something I'll get sick of that realll fast. Offices have casual Fridays, so why not Hobo Thursdays, eh??