Monday, June 28, 2010

59. Looking at the Invisible Camera

OK, that title probably makes very little sense. What is looking at the invisible camera, might you ask? Simple. It's when you turn your head a little to the side, and make a face, usually of frustration or anguish, as if you were on a TV show and had a cameraman at your side. Made popular by The Office. You know what I'm talking about.

In my own life, this seems to occur most often during things like chapter meetings, when I glance to my right (at absolutely no one) and make a look like, "can you believe what I am hearing?" Or maybe you make a funny, and you look at the invisible camera, to give it a wink or something because you're so impressed with your own wit.

Once, a professor caught me making a face at the invisible camera. Not my finest moment, guys. So just be careful. I'm sure I'd have more friends if I stopped doing this, but that's OK! It's kind of like when Jerry Seinfeld has to choose between "the voice" and his girlfriend. Who wants to put into that position? And then a giant ball of oil falls on her, so there ya go.

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