Wednesday, June 30, 2010

60. Flexitarianism

This past semester at college, I realized that I'd been subconciously eating meat at only one meal (lunch or dinner), and going meat-free at the other. Without even meaning to, I'd started following a flexitarian diet.

From the American Dialect Society (via Wikipedia): a vegetarian who occasionally eats meat.

OK, so maybe by this definition I more than "occasionally" eat meat, but I still really like the idea of trying to replace meat with other sources of protein. It's kind of fun, being more creative with meals. For instance, I LOVE hummus (maybe it'll make an appearance on the blog!) and I like to pair it with lots of veggies and feta cheese on wraps or sandwiches.

Also, eating less meat reduces one's carbon footprint, besides just being (obviously) kinder to animals.

And since I have pretty much zero experience in cooking meat, I have a feeling I'll be going flexitarian a lot more often next semester when I'm forced to fend for myself...

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