I finally read a book. I mean, for fun. For awhile I was reading the third Hunger Games book but honestly it bored and confused me so not sure I'll ever even get back to it.
But I'm back in the reading game! With The Worthy, by Will Clarke.
Definitely not a hard read, and I didn't love it, but I liked it a lot more than I thought I would! Really, I was just dying (no pun intended - it's about a ghost of a fraternity boy at LSU ... ha I crack myself up) to find out how everything would be resolved. Not sure I loved the ending, but at least everything was tied up (somewhat) nicely.
Here's to more reading!
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Monday, December 17, 2012
Confession: Even though it's winter break and I have a glorious 3-ish weeks off from law school ... I still felt kind of sad yesterday. Something was missing - and it wasn't studying, believe me.
Whenever I feel sad, I try my best to just remember that moods come and go and that it's unreasonable to be super happy all the time. And I normally am happy-ish. Not over the moon, but glass-half-full generally content with things.
But Saturday night I was really sad. For a multitude of reasons. As I got ready for bed, I gave myself a little bit of pep talk. And reminded myself of several reasons why I should not be sad and why life is awesome. At this point, it was after midnight, so I decided to check my horoscope for the day. And when I read it I started to tear up because this is what it said:
Maybe it's silly for me to believe in an iPhone horoscope app but sometimes you just need an affirmation of everything you've been thinking of and hoping for. So I went to bed happy and slept in later than I have in weeks.
So anyway, here is a list of generally awesome things about life right now:
No studying until January. 'Nuff said.
Thumb holes. Seriously. Howwww did we get along with work-out tops without these things? I don't even know.
Catching up on TV. Stevie the TV - the one true love. Although I watched these shows on my computer but whatever. I've already caught up on Glee (!!) and watched a couple of episodes of Pretty Little Liars. OMG - so good. Although I was then slightly terrified of being by myself in my apartment but so so worth it.
This necklace. I saw it online and immediately knew I needed it. Jewelry makes me happy and this necklace is pure love. Can't wait to wear it!
Modern Seinfeld on Twitter. First of all, Seinfeld never gets old. Saw several episodes last week while trying to calm myself down about finals and laughed hysterically. But anyway this Twitter account - pure genius.
And lastly, in the wake of last Friday's tragedy - I have a lot of thoughts, but all I want to say is that I am so so thankful for the presence of my family and friends. Life's short, and just more of a reason to appreciate all the awesome things (and people) every day.
Whenever I feel sad, I try my best to just remember that moods come and go and that it's unreasonable to be super happy all the time. And I normally am happy-ish. Not over the moon, but glass-half-full generally content with things.
But Saturday night I was really sad. For a multitude of reasons. As I got ready for bed, I gave myself a little bit of pep talk. And reminded myself of several reasons why I should not be sad and why life is awesome. At this point, it was after midnight, so I decided to check my horoscope for the day. And when I read it I started to tear up because this is what it said:
Maybe it's silly for me to believe in an iPhone horoscope app but sometimes you just need an affirmation of everything you've been thinking of and hoping for. So I went to bed happy and slept in later than I have in weeks.
So anyway, here is a list of generally awesome things about life right now:
No studying until January. 'Nuff said.
Thumb holes. Seriously. Howwww did we get along with work-out tops without these things? I don't even know.
Catching up on TV. Stevie the TV - the one true love. Although I watched these shows on my computer but whatever. I've already caught up on Glee (!!) and watched a couple of episodes of Pretty Little Liars. OMG - so good. Although I was then slightly terrified of being by myself in my apartment but so so worth it.
This necklace. I saw it online and immediately knew I needed it. Jewelry makes me happy and this necklace is pure love. Can't wait to wear it!
And lastly, in the wake of last Friday's tragedy - I have a lot of thoughts, but all I want to say is that I am so so thankful for the presence of my family and friends. Life's short, and just more of a reason to appreciate all the awesome things (and people) every day.
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Saturday, October 13, 2012
- I am in complete denial that exams are soon. Help me help myself outline. And bring snacks.
- I think I'm pretty levelheaded - but then I think about the insane crush I have on a guy who lives in my building. I've seen him 3 times. I don't know his name. Every time I go in the parking lot I look for his car. OMG please please help me I am insane.
- But I stil harbor hope of actually learning his name someday ...
- I don't understand Gangham Style. What? Does anyone get it?
- Why is it still super hot here in New Orleans? I am not pleased. I want boots weather. Also I bought two new sweaters today. Like they will ever be worn ...
- Anyone want to join my post-collegiate a cappella group? I'm still the only member in it, so I get all the solos. But I have to simultaneously sing back-up sooooo
- I got a call from one Jeff Rogers today. Firstly, it was an automated call but gah scary because it didn't sound like that! Googled him and he's a televangelist preacher in Pennsylvania. Seriously. I cannot make this stuff up.
- What I also can't make up - the study I read about linking female index/ring finger ratios and promiscuity. The higher the ratio, the less you can't handle casual sex. I believe it!
- If you are one of the Jones' and you are evading your debt - OMG why did you give the debt people my number?? If I had a dollar for every time they call looking for you...
Peace out, cub scouts. Crazy Saturday night over here, clearly
- I think I'm pretty levelheaded - but then I think about the insane crush I have on a guy who lives in my building. I've seen him 3 times. I don't know his name. Every time I go in the parking lot I look for his car. OMG please please help me I am insane.
- But I stil harbor hope of actually learning his name someday ...
- I don't understand Gangham Style. What? Does anyone get it?
- Why is it still super hot here in New Orleans? I am not pleased. I want boots weather. Also I bought two new sweaters today. Like they will ever be worn ...
- Anyone want to join my post-collegiate a cappella group? I'm still the only member in it, so I get all the solos. But I have to simultaneously sing back-up sooooo
- I got a call from one Jeff Rogers today. Firstly, it was an automated call but gah scary because it didn't sound like that! Googled him and he's a televangelist preacher in Pennsylvania. Seriously. I cannot make this stuff up.
- What I also can't make up - the study I read about linking female index/ring finger ratios and promiscuity. The higher the ratio, the less you can't handle casual sex. I believe it!
- If you are one of the Jones' and you are evading your debt - OMG why did you give the debt people my number?? If I had a dollar for every time they call looking for you...
Peace out, cub scouts. Crazy Saturday night over here, clearly
Sunday, September 9, 2012
As much as I hate to admit it - I am a certified trendwhore. Colored denim?* Check. Statement necklaces? Check. And it's not even just clothes - I spent a good chunk of time researching gluten-free lifestyles the other night, since that diet is so hot right now. But then I just got confused and ate a cookie.
* I will hopefully be writing about this soon. Colored denim, believe me it's an addiction - the first step is recognizing it right?
![]() |
Excuse the goober face - I am awkward. But aren't the neon colors fun!? Haven't worn the sneakers yet but can't wait to bust them out on a run or to Zuuuuumba! |
So neon - huge trend right now, and seriously not something I'd ever thought I would get into. But the neon trend right now is so much more than sorority wayfarers and beachweek bro tanks. Yes, once the cold weather hits I will probably be back in my uniform of black leggings and grey sweaters but I am definitely all about the bright colors now. I'm not saying that dark colors = bad mood, because I am crazy over rich buttery neutrals, but how can you not instantly brighten your mood when wearing a hot pink skirt? Life is too short amirite?
However, I did refrain from wearing a super cute BRIGHT orange frocket shirt to school the other week. I just felt like I would be a big ol' target for being called on, wearing such an obnoxious color. But it's obnoxious in the best possible way.
So not exactly neon but close enough - it makes me happy to see it every day. |
I don't think I've ever been unhappy per se - but I definitely feel that in the past few months alone I've become happier than I've been in years. I'm excited to wake up in the morning and I try to find joy in everything, as cheesy as that may sound. I've also greatly increased the bright colors in my wardrobe, pairing neons and neutrals more frequently. If you look good (or at least think you do) you feel good. I don't know a lot but I do know that. Happiness is a choice and it's a choice I'll keep on making. That and wearing obnoxiously bright tops to yoga.
* I will hopefully be writing about this soon. Colored denim, believe me it's an addiction - the first step is recognizing it right?
Thursday, August 23, 2012
... and the pickles!
You know how sometimes you love a somewhat obscure band, and when they start to become famous and more successful you almost want to not like them anymore? Like you were one of their select few fans, and now they're just plastered all over MTV and it's not special anymore, even though you want them to flourish and make lots of money?
I can't believe I'm comparing pickles to music groups. Also, the more I think about it the more the comparison doesn't even make sense. Whatever.
Since I am a weakling, this jar took me like a day and a half to open. Every time I went into the kitchen I'd give it a try. Finally, late yesterday afternoon I pried it open and quickly gobbled up two pickles. Yum.
I know, a pickle is a pickle is a pickle. I used to feel the same. But these are awesome.
I can't believe I'm comparing pickles to music groups. Also, the more I think about it the more the comparison doesn't even make sense. Whatever.
Since I am a weakling, this jar took me like a day and a half to open. Every time I went into the kitchen I'd give it a try. Finally, late yesterday afternoon I pried it open and quickly gobbled up two pickles. Yum.
I know, a pickle is a pickle is a pickle. I used to feel the same. But these are awesome.
Thursday, August 16, 2012
101 ... ?
The countdown is over. Yes, the 100th thing is stupid, but honestly I expected nothing less of myself.
So stay tuned :)
So I'll still be blogging here from time to time, when inspiration strikes and when I have time between law school studying! Because I have a lot of favorite things and plenty of thoughts about them all.
Some current favorite things:
- Colored denim
- Design blogs and websites
- Long baths with the James Taylor Pandora station and a magazine
Some current favorite things:
- Colored denim
- Design blogs and websites
- Long baths with the James Taylor Pandora station and a magazine
Cappuccino from Schulzies Bread Pudding in Venice Beach, Calif. ... I had bread pudding for breakfast. It was divine. |
So stay tuned :)
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
100. The End ...
And my 100th favorite thing is ...
A well-timed fart.
Thank you, Eric Bolton. For inspiring my blog!
A well-timed fart.
Thank you, Eric Bolton. For inspiring my blog!
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
99. Reading & Books
Books to the ceiling,
Books to the sky,
My pile of books is a mile high.
Oh how I love them!
Oh how I need them!
I'll have a long beard by the time I read them.
- Untitled poem written by me in the 4th grade
I have always loved books. And reading. I still do.
Fact: The summer between 3rd and 4th grade I read 105 books.
One of my July goals was to read two books. Two! I did it though. (The Happiness Project, by Gretchen Rubin, and Isabel Allende's Portrait in Sepia - I highly recommend both).
But between law school, my Google reader and staying out late at night, reading for pleasure sadly falls by the wayside.
And I realize now how picky I can be when it comes to books. Over the past few years, I've read a lot of so-so books. And very few I cannot put this down books. And seriously, reading so-so books just isn't that much fun when I could be watching Netflix.
But last week I read Dan Brown's The Lost Symbol (yeah, I'm a little late to the party) in about three days. And I COULD NOT put it down. It had been so long since I'd just holed up by myself and read a book. Like plowed through, not just reading ten pages before bed and calling it quits.
So maybe not the most sophisticated of reading materials, but it reunited me with my love of reading. Of the balancing act of wanting to slowly savor every word and blaze forward to see what happens next. Of staying up late for just one more chapter. And then another.
Books to the sky,
My pile of books is a mile high.
Oh how I love them!
Oh how I need them!
I'll have a long beard by the time I read them.
- Untitled poem written by me in the 4th grade
I have always loved books. And reading. I still do.
Fact: The summer between 3rd and 4th grade I read 105 books.
One of my July goals was to read two books. Two! I did it though. (The Happiness Project, by Gretchen Rubin, and Isabel Allende's Portrait in Sepia - I highly recommend both).
But between law school, my Google reader and staying out late at night, reading for pleasure sadly falls by the wayside.
And I realize now how picky I can be when it comes to books. Over the past few years, I've read a lot of so-so books. And very few I cannot put this down books. And seriously, reading so-so books just isn't that much fun when I could be watching Netflix.
But last week I read Dan Brown's The Lost Symbol (yeah, I'm a little late to the party) in about three days. And I COULD NOT put it down. It had been so long since I'd just holed up by myself and read a book. Like plowed through, not just reading ten pages before bed and calling it quits.
So maybe not the most sophisticated of reading materials, but it reunited me with my love of reading. Of the balancing act of wanting to slowly savor every word and blaze forward to see what happens next. Of staying up late for just one more chapter. And then another.
Friday, July 27, 2012
98. Smoothies
Ok, ok so yes I said I was going to get deeper. And I did. But I just have to have to say how much I have fallen in love with smoothies. Which is something I never thought I would say.
Do not be alarmed. This tastes AMAZING.
I love these first of all, for the taste. But it's such a good way to get lots of healthy stuff in early in the day. And I like these it's a breakfast that's not carb-based. I love carbs, but this way I can feel less bad about eating a ton of them the rest of the day, ya know?
Here is my favorite smoothie recipe. Nutritious, filling, delicious and beautiful :)
Layer the following in a blender and blend away:
- a frozen banana
-1 -- 1 and 1/2 cups soy milk (depends on how creamy you want it) (I'm sure cow's or almond milk is just as good) (Also I think vanilla soy milk makes it taste fab but plain is just as good) (what's up with all the parentheses?)
- ~tbsp peanut butter
- a sprinkle of cinnamon
- lots and lots of spinach (If you blend it up enough you cannot even taste it. Promise.)
I also like to switch it up and add some blueberries in. Beware though - that version tastes yummy but looks like sludge.
I love these first of all, for the taste. But it's such a good way to get lots of healthy stuff in early in the day. And I like these it's a breakfast that's not carb-based. I love carbs, but this way I can feel less bad about eating a ton of them the rest of the day, ya know?
Here is my favorite smoothie recipe. Nutritious, filling, delicious and beautiful :)
Layer the following in a blender and blend away:
- a frozen banana
-1 -- 1 and 1/2 cups soy milk (depends on how creamy you want it) (I'm sure cow's or almond milk is just as good) (Also I think vanilla soy milk makes it taste fab but plain is just as good) (what's up with all the parentheses?)
- ~tbsp peanut butter
- a sprinkle of cinnamon
- lots and lots of spinach (If you blend it up enough you cannot even taste it. Promise.)
Green Monster with a side of the Hills - my favorite way to start the day |
Thursday, July 26, 2012
97. My Dad
Dad (aka Dabbles):
I love watching Seinfeld and laughing with you.
You're the best for taking me to get frozen yogurt (even if you only get samples).
Thank you for giving me the best education possible. Thank you for always supporting me and giving me help when I need it.
I love watching Seinfeld and laughing with you.
Thank you for giving me the best education possible. Thank you for always supporting me and giving me help when I need it.
Love you Daddy :)
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
96. Getting It
As I get closer and closer to No. 100 I need to get a bit deeper. I could go on and on about my love of colored denim and cupcakes and many more things that are wonderful but albeit somewhat superficial. So let's chat about Getting It.
I love that good feeling when that lightbulb goes off and I can say "So that's it!" When everything starts to fall into place, the dust settles and everything makes sense. Or, at least a little more sense than it did before.
In yoga a few weeks ago, all of a sudden I realized how to go from chaturanga to upward facing dog. I've only been taking yoga classes for almost ten years now, but all of a sudden I knew what to do. Now if only I could do the same with crow pose ...
OK, so figuring out a yoga pose isn't the most mindblowing realization, but for me it was. It can be as simple as that, or as finally understanding something I've been struggling with all semester in law school and finally makes sense.
I truly believe that life is about the journey, not the destination. A bunch of Getting It moments all strung together.
I love that good feeling when that lightbulb goes off and I can say "So that's it!" When everything starts to fall into place, the dust settles and everything makes sense. Or, at least a little more sense than it did before.
In yoga a few weeks ago, all of a sudden I realized how to go from chaturanga to upward facing dog. I've only been taking yoga classes for almost ten years now, but all of a sudden I knew what to do. Now if only I could do the same with crow pose ...
OK, so figuring out a yoga pose isn't the most mindblowing realization, but for me it was. It can be as simple as that, or as finally understanding something I've been struggling with all semester in law school and finally makes sense.
I truly believe that life is about the journey, not the destination. A bunch of Getting It moments all strung together.
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
95. Coffee
I just had to run a quick search through the blog because I could not believe that I hadn't written about coffee yet!
Soooo ... I have a coffee problem. I guess it's somewhat under control right now but no one will ever know how much I drank per day in the weeks leading up to finals.
I drink my coffee black, and usually with a sprinkle of cinnamon! One time an acquaintance saw me drinking black coffee in the dining hall at college and she said, "Wow, how mature of you!" Truth.
And I LOVE iced coffee. Incomplete without soy milk and this:
It's a necessity. Just do it. Best sipped from a Tervis tumbler but a glass from the Bulldog works as well.
Related is also my love of coffee shops. (Throwback to the fabulous ladies of the Facebook group 'I Live Life at Coffee Shops'). Now most of the time I go to coffee shops is to hit the books when I get sick of the library (and my brain is throbbing from lack of caffeine) but man I miss the days when we, well, we lived life at coffee shops! PJ's back patio was the place to hang on Fridays after school, and studying for math tests at CC's with my calculus partner in crime and pal, Hannah, were basically the best ever.
I feel like I read an article about yet another study every week on the health benefits of coffee. But it isn't the lowered risks of strokes Alzheimer's and increased levels of concentration* that reels me in. It's the smoky aroma and the strong taste and yes, the fact that I am not fully awake without it.
Coffee rules!
*Can't remember if these are true. But coffee DOES have a ton of health benefits. Coffee. Not grande whip mochas. Just fyi.
Soooo ... I have a coffee problem. I guess it's somewhat under control right now but no one will ever know how much I drank per day in the weeks leading up to finals.
I drink my coffee black, and usually with a sprinkle of cinnamon! One time an acquaintance saw me drinking black coffee in the dining hall at college and she said, "Wow, how mature of you!" Truth.
And I LOVE iced coffee. Incomplete without soy milk and this:
True love |
It's a necessity. Just do it. Best sipped from a Tervis tumbler but a glass from the Bulldog works as well.
I chose not to document the other side. This is the famous "I Heart Farts" glass - a classic! |
Related is also my love of coffee shops. (Throwback to the fabulous ladies of the Facebook group 'I Live Life at Coffee Shops'). Now most of the time I go to coffee shops is to hit the books when I get sick of the library (and my brain is throbbing from lack of caffeine) but man I miss the days when we, well, we lived life at coffee shops! PJ's back patio was the place to hang on Fridays after school, and studying for math tests at CC's with my calculus partner in crime and pal, Hannah, were basically the best ever.
I feel like I read an article about yet another study every week on the health benefits of coffee. But it isn't the lowered risks of strokes Alzheimer's and increased levels of concentration* that reels me in. It's the smoky aroma and the strong taste and yes, the fact that I am not fully awake without it.
Coffee rules!
*Can't remember if these are true. But coffee DOES have a ton of health benefits. Coffee. Not grande whip mochas. Just fyi.
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
94. Sunglasses
I think about 60 percent of the reason I got bangs again after they'd all but grown out is how effortlessly cool I think I look when I use my sunglasses as a headband.
Whether I actually look cool or not is still to be decided but let's just play pretend here.
Top reasons I love sunglasses:
1. Their aforementioned use as a headband. Using an actual headband just isn't the same.
2. Keeping the sun out of my eyes - aka what they're actually designed for. It is seriously painful to be without them sometimes and also driving can be somewhat dangerous.
3. The cool factor. OK so maybe I'm wrong and I look like a dork with the whole headband thing but you cannot deny that the general public looks a lot cooler wearing sunglasses.
And the final reason I love wearing sunglasses:
I don't have to worry about making my squinty fasian eyes look acceptable to the rest of the world. Way too much effort in my opinion.
I wear cheapie ones from Target but I am afraid they're about to bite the dust. Every new pair of sunglasses I swear up and down I'll keep them in their case when I'm not wearing them and every time my laziness wins over about a week later and I just shove 'em in my purse. Oopie.
Whether I actually look cool or not is still to be decided but let's just play pretend here.
Top reasons I love sunglasses:
1. Their aforementioned use as a headband. Using an actual headband just isn't the same.
2. Keeping the sun out of my eyes - aka what they're actually designed for. It is seriously painful to be without them sometimes and also driving can be somewhat dangerous.
3. The cool factor. OK so maybe I'm wrong and I look like a dork with the whole headband thing but you cannot deny that the general public looks a lot cooler wearing sunglasses.
And the final reason I love wearing sunglasses:
I don't have to worry about making my squinty fasian eyes look acceptable to the rest of the world. Way too much effort in my opinion.
I wear cheapie ones from Target but I am afraid they're about to bite the dust. Every new pair of sunglasses I swear up and down I'll keep them in their case when I'm not wearing them and every time my laziness wins over about a week later and I just shove 'em in my purse. Oopie.
Monday, July 2, 2012
93. Statement Necklaces
LuAnn, the Countess, from the Real Housewives of NYC, confesses to wearing large jewelry when she's feeling moody.
Sing it, sister. I've warded off plenty a blue mood with big baubles. But I wear loud jewelry when I'm happy! And just so-so. Heck, nine days out of ten call for a lil' sumthin-sumthin 'round my neck.
I'm a convert. I've gone from believing that all necklaces looked weird on me to feeling incomplete without one.
Also, they never fail to earn me a compliment or three, but that's just a bonus to the awesome- and glam-ness that is the statement necklace.
Sing it, sister. I've warded off plenty a blue mood with big baubles. But I wear loud jewelry when I'm happy! And just so-so. Heck, nine days out of ten call for a lil' sumthin-sumthin 'round my neck.
I'm a convert. I've gone from believing that all necklaces looked weird on me to feeling incomplete without one.
I think I may have an addiction. Just a slight one. |
Also, they never fail to earn me a compliment or three, but that's just a bonus to the awesome- and glam-ness that is the statement necklace.
Friday, June 29, 2012
all the single ladies
"If you are single, after graduation, there isn't one occasion where people celebrate you."
Says Carrie Bradshaw in one of my favorite Sex and the City episodes, 'A Woman's Right to Shoes.'
Charlotte quickly chimes in with the mention of birthdays! And Carrie says but that's not about you as a single girl. And she's right. As we get older, birthdays become less and less of a big deal. And that's really OK. As long as I get some form of cake and enough Facebook wall posts exclaiming Happy Birthday!! I'm really justified.
But when you are a couple - there are so many occasions where it is about you. You and only you. And by you I mean you and your partner, of course. Not that I've had much experience with all of this, but I've seen enough TV shows, and read enough random blogs, and I know it to be true.
Yesterday, I came upon an absolutely ridiculous idea. Make my relationship status on Facebook 'single' (it had previously been nothing) and see if I could garner some 'likes.' Obviously I would never get as many as when people get into a relationship, with the humongous couple photo, but I want people to celebrate ME. The me that is single, and frankly nowhere near being in a relationship, and who is OK with that.
Yes, I would love to be a part of a couple. I do believe in monogamy and yes I have dreams as big as any romantic comedy.
But that isn't my life right now. And as Nora Ephron (rest in peace) once said:
"Above all, be the heroine of your life, not the victim."
Yes, yes a thousand times yes. Why mope when there are huge necklaces to wear, and cupcakes to bake, and margaritas to drink and friends to laugh with and yourself to be happy with?
I'm trying my hardest not to be bitter when I see pictures of cute couples on Facebook, and walking down the street and just living their lives because let's face it, people are penguins in that we are drawn to each other. We all want a partner, but there are some of us who will put our life on hold until he waltzes in. Life is too short. And I have a lot of jewelry to wear.
Says Carrie Bradshaw in one of my favorite Sex and the City episodes, 'A Woman's Right to Shoes.'
Charlotte quickly chimes in with the mention of birthdays! And Carrie says but that's not about you as a single girl. And she's right. As we get older, birthdays become less and less of a big deal. And that's really OK. As long as I get some form of cake and enough Facebook wall posts exclaiming Happy Birthday!! I'm really justified.
But when you are a couple - there are so many occasions where it is about you. You and only you. And by you I mean you and your partner, of course. Not that I've had much experience with all of this, but I've seen enough TV shows, and read enough random blogs, and I know it to be true.
Yesterday, I came upon an absolutely ridiculous idea. Make my relationship status on Facebook 'single' (it had previously been nothing) and see if I could garner some 'likes.' Obviously I would never get as many as when people get into a relationship, with the humongous couple photo, but I want people to celebrate ME. The me that is single, and frankly nowhere near being in a relationship, and who is OK with that.
Yes, I would love to be a part of a couple. I do believe in monogamy and yes I have dreams as big as any romantic comedy.
But that isn't my life right now. And as Nora Ephron (rest in peace) once said:
"Above all, be the heroine of your life, not the victim."
Yes, yes a thousand times yes. Why mope when there are huge necklaces to wear, and cupcakes to bake, and margaritas to drink and friends to laugh with and yourself to be happy with?
I'm trying my hardest not to be bitter when I see pictures of cute couples on Facebook, and walking down the street and just living their lives because let's face it, people are penguins in that we are drawn to each other. We all want a partner, but there are some of us who will put our life on hold until he waltzes in. Life is too short. And I have a lot of jewelry to wear.
Monday, June 18, 2012
Why you gotta be so mean?
Anyone remember back in the Livejournal days when you'd make the title of your post a lyric from something that you were listening to? Or did I just make that up?
OK I promise my favorite things are coming back ... but I don't think anyone is reading this thing so no real need to apologize eh?
So last week I wrote about some things that I was looking forward to in order to lift me out of a funk. It worked ... for about three minutes. But I'm going to try again. This week, I am looking forward to:
- My daddy *hopefully* taking me out to lunch here
- Wearing a new statement necklace - a J.Crew bubble necklace knock-off woohooooo!
- Seeing Rock of Ages with Margie and Jowa. Should be cheesy and amazing.
- Going to Happy Hour at American Sector. I've been perusing the drink menu and it'll be hard to decide, it all sounds so good. Leaning toward a Moscow Mule - never had one!
- Finally getting around to watching my DVR-ed episode of Sunday's episode of Girls. So sad it's the season finale though. I've become obsessed.
OK I promise my favorite things are coming back ... but I don't think anyone is reading this thing so no real need to apologize eh?
So last week I wrote about some things that I was looking forward to in order to lift me out of a funk. It worked ... for about three minutes. But I'm going to try again. This week, I am looking forward to:
- My daddy *hopefully* taking me out to lunch here
- Wearing a new statement necklace - a J.Crew bubble necklace knock-off woohooooo!
- Seeing Rock of Ages with Margie and Jowa. Should be cheesy and amazing.
- Going to Happy Hour at American Sector. I've been perusing the drink menu and it'll be hard to decide, it all sounds so good. Leaning toward a Moscow Mule - never had one!
- Finally getting around to watching my DVR-ed episode of Sunday's episode of Girls. So sad it's the season finale though. I've become obsessed.
So this vodka makes me very happy :) (Hi Mom)
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
A lot of awesome
OK, so this isn't one favorite thing. But today was kind of a downer, despite having a lovely smoked salmon salad at lunch with a lovely friend, and drinking this surprisingly lovely glass of flat champagne while watching the Wonder Years on Netflix ... so I'm trying to see the glass as half full.
Some awesome things to look forward to:
- I have a near empty jar of peanut butter just waiting for oats in a jar tomorrow.
- Free yoga tomorrow night!
- One of my besties will be back in town for the weekend and I can't wait to see her.
- A new yummy smelling body scrub my mom bought for me
- Riding the streetcar to work tomorrow. I've been doing this every once in awhile and I didn't think I'd like it as much as I do. Quite the treat, just for $1.25
Well can't think of much more off the top of my head right now.
So that is a picture of my cat, enjoying the sun. He is a pain in my behind but he makes me happy :) Have a happy Thursday!
Some awesome things to look forward to:
- I have a near empty jar of peanut butter just waiting for oats in a jar tomorrow.
- Free yoga tomorrow night!
- One of my besties will be back in town for the weekend and I can't wait to see her.
- A new yummy smelling body scrub my mom bought for me
- Riding the streetcar to work tomorrow. I've been doing this every once in awhile and I didn't think I'd like it as much as I do. Quite the treat, just for $1.25
Well can't think of much more off the top of my head right now.
So that is a picture of my cat, enjoying the sun. He is a pain in my behind but he makes me happy :) Have a happy Thursday!
Monday, May 21, 2012
92. Cultural Judaism
I am half Jewish/half Christian. Yes, that's a thing. My mother is Christian and my dad is Jewish. We celebrate Christmas (but not the birth of Jesus) and sometimes Hanukkah. I don't do Easter (except Reese's eggs because all seasonal Reese's are reason enough for a holiday) and haven't been to a Passover Seder in years. And never have I actually kept Passover, although I do love charoset and matzoh.
But when I'm asked what religion I am, just to make things less complicated, I say Jewish. But what I mean is that I'm technically culturally Jewish.
I don't necessarily believe in what the Torah says, but what I do believe in is lox and bagels.
I'm proud to share a religion with such famous members of the Tribe as Jerry Seinfeld. Adam Brody/Seth Cohen. Natalie Portman. Winona Ryder. The Stillers! And don't forget - Jesus was a Jew.
It's difficult to articulate exactly why it is that I love being culturally Jewish. But I'm sure there is a Yiddish phrase out there that can explain it ... until I figure that out I will continue to kvetch and schlep and connect on a higher level with Larry David while watching 'Curb Your Enthusiasm' re-runs like the cultural Jew I am.
But when I'm asked what religion I am, just to make things less complicated, I say Jewish. But what I mean is that I'm technically culturally Jewish.
I don't necessarily believe in what the Torah says, but what I do believe in is lox and bagels.
I'm proud to share a religion with such famous members of the Tribe as Jerry Seinfeld. Adam Brody/Seth Cohen. Natalie Portman. Winona Ryder. The Stillers! And don't forget - Jesus was a Jew.
It's difficult to articulate exactly why it is that I love being culturally Jewish. But I'm sure there is a Yiddish phrase out there that can explain it ... until I figure that out I will continue to kvetch and schlep and connect on a higher level with Larry David while watching 'Curb Your Enthusiasm' re-runs like the cultural Jew I am.
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
91. Livin' the Glam Life
Exhibit A:

Exhibit B:

What do you mean you see a difference??
Diddy is livin' the glam life and so are we. We may not be drinking Ciroc on a yacht but we're still doin' it up like we are.
So the best example of livin' the glam life is throwing a white party. NOT a white person party, ahem. But just a white party. Wearing all white is about as glam as it gets. But I like to inject a little bit of glam into my every day life. So when I'm feeling down, I like to wear a pair of blingy earrings. Or listen to some glam music while driving to school. Watching any Bravo show automatically makes me feel more glam. Even the most mundane of every day activities can be glam if you just live the glam mindset. That's part of the reason I like to dress nice for school whenever I can. Hell, I even upgraded to a Macbook instead of sticking with Dell because it's more "glam."
So as I like to imagine Diddy shouting in front of the step and repeat at his annual White Party:
"Live the Glam Life!"
Sunday, February 26, 2012
90. Bikram Yoga
Um, hello? ... Is this thing on? I'm backkkk.
Well today was a pretty life-changing day. I won't go into the details, but I got a new attitudeee. It feels pretty good.
Part of the reason is that I FINALLY made it to Bikram! It had been weeks, I tell ya, since I last got my sweat on.
So Bikram is yoga for crazy people (but anyone who does yoga is kind of crazy I think - I'm including myself). Every Bikram class is the same. It's a series of 26 poses, each done twice, in a 105 degree room. I know. I didn't think it was possible to sweat that much. I still remember the first time I ever went, and I was bent over in this pose which the instructor always says "should be like a Japanese ham sandwich" (meaning you're all smushed together ... I don't know I've never eaten one of those sandwiches) and my face was on my calf and ohmygod the beads of sweat! I guess I'm getting all those toxins out, eh?
I've always played it very safe. With everything. I've been doing more "normal" yoga for awhile (vinyasa flow-type stuff) but was always very intrigued by Bikram. So when I saw a Groupon for it (I go to Yoga 108) I snatched it up. And then thought oh shit what am I getting into? I still remember my first class when I showed up in my little yoga booty shorts and signing a waiver (!) saying that if something happened to me I wouldn't hold them responsible. And the teacher told me that since it was my first time, my only goal was to just stay in the room the entire time. So I played it cool and said, "Oh yeah, of course," like I hung out in 105 degree rooms all the time but on the inside I was freaking. Out.
Anddddd I ended up rockin' it. Not to be that annoying yoga chick bragging about her sun saluations or whatever but I really clicked with Bikram. Don't get me wrong, it's HARD. I get my ass-ana*kicked every single time. I'm a sweaty, nauseated** mess during it all. And sometimes, ok pretty much every time but the classes get so crowded, someone ends up touching my feet or I touch someone else's. And it's weird. But things get real when 30 scantily clad people are in there together. And if you can do one of those classes, you can seriously do anything.
It makes everything else in your life that might have been crazy seem sort of insignificant while you're stretching and kicking and sweating away. My instructor today kept saying wandering eyes, wandering body. And wandering mind. You have to just focus on the poses and not let your life crowd in. And then when class is over and I've properly savasana-ed I can go out and conquer the world. Once I shower though because no one wants to see that. I almost took a picture of myself post-class to put here but then I reminded myself that I do have some dignity.
*ass-ana. Asana. A pose. Never mind, yoga joke.
** They say it's GOOD if you feel sick. Isn't that crazy? It means it's working and you're cleansing your upper colon and stuff. Ok I don't know about that but there are a ton of health benefits apparently. And there is a pose where we're massaging our upper colon ... I don't know why I pay to feel hungover but I swear it's fun!
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