Sunday, December 6, 2009

33. Friends

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No, not those friends. Although, that show is a favorite of mine.

My friends!

I don't wanna get too gushy on here or anything, but the ones I've got are pretty awesome. Yay for friendship!

To my NOLA friends: you have known me a long time, and kudos to sticking around because I know that I am a nutso. I have SO many memories from so many fun times it is absolutely ridiculous. I hope I continue to be friends with each and every one of you for a loooong time. So I hope you do not get sick of me heehee.

To my Richmond gals: Let's face it, studying sucks so college would be pretty boring without you all! This semester has been so weird without hanging out with you guys doing DHall brunch/lodges/watching movies etc etc. And so Spring '10 is gonna be awesome! And yes I'm sure you're all beginning to see my nutso ways they're slowly appearing...

And to everyone in London: New friends, yes, but no less special to me! This semester would have been so difficult without meeting such awesome people and I'll miss you when we all return stateside.

Ok, cheesiness aside, whenever I'm having a bad day (which seems like a lot sometimes) I know I have a bunch of people to just hear me out and make me feel better! On the positive side, I also have a lot of people to act goofy with and gossip and eat ice cream and stuff.

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