Sunday, June 6, 2010

54. Summer

Every season has its pros (and cons). I love the cozy feeling of being inside on a wintery day (plus I have a January bday!) but, let's face it, Virginia winters have not been very kind to me and the delicate skin on my hands. And fall fashion is fun, as well is buying new notebooks, but then I realize that I'm sick of my new classes. And finally spring! The days are finally getting warmer (although not fast enough in Richmond) and I can break out the shorts and flip-flops, but times just drags so slowly toward ...


Yes, it is unbearably hot here during the summer (but it beats the unbearably cold!). But summer will always be freedom from school and classes. The time to read a book all day if I want to. New bathing suits (but I go to the pool like once a summer so it's kind of pointless.

So, when I'm done with school, will summer still be the same? I hope so! And I think it will be. Summer just has that je ne sais quoi. So go out and do something summery!

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