Wednesday, July 11, 2012

94. Sunglasses

I think about 60 percent of the reason I got bangs again after they'd all but grown out is how effortlessly cool I think I look when I use my sunglasses as a headband.

Whether I actually look cool or not is still to be decided but let's just play pretend here.

Top reasons I love sunglasses:
1. Their aforementioned use as a headband. Using an actual headband just isn't the same.
2. Keeping the sun out of my eyes - aka what they're actually designed for. It is seriously painful to be without them sometimes and also driving can be somewhat dangerous.
3. The cool factor. OK so maybe I'm wrong and I look like a dork with the whole headband thing but you cannot deny that the general public looks a lot cooler wearing sunglasses.

And the final reason I love wearing sunglasses:
I don't have to worry about making my squinty fasian eyes look acceptable to the rest of the world. Way too much effort in my opinion.

I wear cheapie ones from Target but I am afraid they're about to bite the dust. Every new pair of sunglasses I swear up and down I'll keep them in their case when I'm not wearing them and every time my laziness wins over about a week later and I just shove 'em in my purse. Oopie.

Quasi-upside down smile. But aren't the sunglasses purty? 

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