Wednesday, July 25, 2012

96. Getting It

As I get closer and closer to No. 100 I need to get a bit deeper. I could go on and on about my love of colored denim and cupcakes and many more things that are wonderful but albeit somewhat superficial. So let's chat about Getting It.

I love that good feeling when that lightbulb goes off and I can say "So that's it!" When everything starts to fall into place, the dust settles and everything makes sense. Or, at least a little more sense than it did before.

In yoga a few weeks ago, all of a sudden I realized how to go from chaturanga to upward facing dog. I've only been taking yoga classes for almost ten years now, but all of a sudden I knew what to do.  Now if only I could do the same with crow pose ...

OK, so figuring out a yoga pose isn't the most mindblowing realization, but for me it was. It can be as simple as that, or as finally understanding something I've been struggling with all semester in law school and finally makes sense.

I truly believe that life is about the journey, not the destination. A bunch of Getting It moments all strung together.

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