Friday, July 2, 2010

61. Hotel Beds

Soooo big. And soooo fluffy. And what with those standard hotel curtains that can block out pretty much any light whatsoever, I could sleep in these beds alllll day.

I love my bed at home, but hotel beds are pretty much the shit. I wonder if I moved one into my bedroom it would be the same...? Something to ponder.

I'm going away for the weekend! Unfortunately, there will be no hotel bed. But that's OK. I'm perfectly fine trading in the smooth sheets, and humongous, soft pillows, and billowy comforters, for QT with my friends in our nation's capital! And Bluebucks pancakes. And maybe a cupcake?

Wait, but this is about hotel beds. Not food. But another awesome thing about hotel beds:

The next morning, when you've slept in due to those informidable curtains, and your mom is already up and about and she buys you a lovely muffin (or maybe a crossaint) and you get to eat it sitting in the bed. Because the hotel maids will clean up the crumbs. Now that's what I'm talkin' about.

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