Friday, October 2, 2009

19. Excercise

This entry will probably make me sound a tool, just a disclaimer. Like, really, listing excercise as one of my favorite things?

One the one hand, I am really lazy. Like, some of my favorite days this summer were when my parents were out of town, I was hungover, and I just laid on the couch and read and watched TV and ate carbs while the cat and dog hung around with me.

One another hand, I don't like sports. Don't like watching 'em, don't like playing them (unless there's alcohol involved - hello, sloshball!). I barely made it through volleytennis in high school, I was a mess!

But I do enjoy excercise. I like walking the dog. I like walking in Audubon Park. One of my favorite things about studying abroad in London is all the walking I get to do.

I also really like going to the gym. I don't think I'd like it quite as much if all the elliptical machines (my fave) didn't have their own individual TV so I could watch Friends or CMT's Top 20 Countdown. Although for awhile the gym I went to at home didn't have working TVs and so I did get used to working out with just my iPod. Abba is SUCH good motivation!

Photo Credit:

Also - excercise gives me (somewhat) more of an excuse to eat poorly. God I love me some Ben & Jerry's. Although, let's face it, I still will eat the cheeseburger even if I did not workout.

But the best part is right after you've stepped off the machine, and you're all gross and you just feel good. The high.

And it's true what Elle Woods said:

"Excercise gives you endorphins, and endorphins make you happy. And happy people don't kill their husbands. They just don't!"
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