Tuesday, September 22, 2009

15. Cheese Samples at Whole Foods

Sorry for the lack of posts recently, but I am in London! www.adventuresofelh.blogspot.com - shameless promotion.

Confession: When I was younger, probably up until sometime in high school, I did not like cheese. Sure, I loved pizza, and cheese on tacos was good. And I'm sure there were other exceptions, like on Italian pastas and stuff. But just cheese? No thank you.

The times have changed. I am cheese crazy!!

Love love cheddar. Like on anything, but a cheddar cheeseburger hits the spot.

Feta - Such a good salad topper!

Mozzarella. Wow, like this stuff is heavennnnnn. I love love paninis with this and tomatos and basil and yummm.

Never even used to like American, but hey that stuff is good too!

Well anyway, this post isn't about cheese. It's about Whole Foods' cheese samples.

You learn about SO many new cheeses this way. And you can to eat just small bites of them! For free!

I've definitely had some weird ones - the bacon cheddar, that's often on display by the meats? Well I was dying to try it forever, but it was always out. Finally got some. The verdict: not worth it. Juts a heads up.

Yes, lots of samples at Whole Foods are delish. One time, I got an entire half of a blueberry muffin. But, that can be hit or miss, sometimes they don't put out any cookies! But the cheese - is always there. And I won't judge if you go back for seconds.

Or thirds.

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